Spring Zoom Classes Start Soon!

March 13, 2025

Spring Classes start up at the start of April!  Here’s the scoop

We have one more round of Online fiddle, mandolin and guitar classes before we take a long break. Please join if you’d like to have fun, improve your technique, learn some great tunes and shake off the “rusties” before festival season starts – all from the comfort of your own living room where no one will hear your mistakes! A tune a week for 6 weeks. All are recorded on video to watch later if you have to miss a class. Fiddle Sheet music / Mando TAB provided. Some people in different time zones take the class all my video. Sliding scale 80-125 for the whole 6-week class. Great community vibe in class and you can ask questions in real time. Here’s the info:

Spring 2025 – Erynn & Carl’s Zoom Music Classes

Song-crafting for new & experienced Songwriters (Carl). Sundays – 2pm-3pm ET, March 30 – May 4 (no class on Easter class. That class will occur Sat Apr 19th)

Old-Time Mandolin – (Carl) Mondays – 7 p.m. ET, March 31 – May 12 (no class April 7),

Intermediate+ Fiddle – (Erynn), Tuesdays – 7 p.m. ET., Apr 1 – May 13 (no class April 8) 

Inv+Adv Fiddle – (Erynn), Wednesdays – 7 p.m. ET, Apr 2 – May 14 (no class April 9)

We include transcriptions/TAB, suggested guitar chords, practice audio for play along, field recordings and historical info on traditional musicians, bowing markings/practice or guitar / mandolin technique exercises

To participate: 

1. Tell us what class you’d like to join by emailing us at info (at) dittyville (dot) com

2. Make a payment. it’s sliding scale ($80-$125 your pick) for the 6-week class via venmo or paypal. paypal.me/dittyville  or www.venmo.com/dittyville or email us if you want to mail a check.

Hope you can join us!

New Year / Big Trip / Almost Home!

January 12, 2025

Dear Reader,

Hello from a road in Wyoming! Thank you for opening our newsletter. Carl and I are presently on a cross-country adventure – sharing music and spending time with people we cherish along the way. We drove to Victoria, BC to see family and friends through a southern route and then went up through California where the fires are today. Our hearts go to all the families affected. The news is really scary and it feels like we are entering into unchartered territory in 2025. When we focus on what’s positive, we are grateful for the time we have spent with many we care about and the new friends we we are meeting on this trip. This big ol’ country continues to awe us with beauty everywhere as we journey through 18 states. From the red/orange hues of the southwest, the green, mossy west-coast to the white, snowy mountains of Utah it’s been very inspiring. Carl even thinks he saw a Peregrine falcon today! Along the way we’ve seen folks worried about the world but also experiencing joy at music jams, shared meals, concerts and even ski-slopes in perfect conditions. Alas – we have little experience on slopes and have to travel on. If all goes well. we will be back in “Dittyville,” (our 1900 farmhouse in Hillsville, VA), in a week – ready to spend some time at home with our cats.

Despite whatever the New Year brings we hope that you and yours have a healthy, good year ahead that includes any of the following you wish for: learning something new, being creative, finding time for yourself and connecting with others, living healthfully, enjoying nature, travel and contributing in some small or big ways to making the world a better place. 

One if things we always enjoy starting up again in January is our online music classes (zoom). Here’s the dates and info in case any of you are interested. Have a good start to 2025 everyone!

Erynn & Carl’s Online Music Classes – Winter session!

Int+ Mandolin (Carl Jones) Mondays: 7pm – 8pm ET Jan 20 – Mar 3, 2025 (no class Feb 17)

Int+ Guitar Back-Up (Carl Jones) Tuesdays: 6pm – 7pm ET Jan 21 – Mar 4, 2025 (no class Feb 18)

Intermediate+ Old-Time Fiddle (Erynn) Tuesdays 7:30pm – 8:30pm ET Jan 21st to March 4, 2025 (no class Feb 18)

Int+/Adv OT Fiddle (Erynn) Wednesdays 7pm – 8pm ET Jan 22 – Mar 5, 2025 (no class Feb 19)

Each group class meets online for 1hr a week for 6 weeks on Zoom.

You get: 

6 live online classes including:

6 videos of each class

Fiddle music or Guitar/Mandolin TAB

Suggested guitar chords

Practice audio for play along

Field recordings and historical info on traditional musicians

Bowing markings/practice or guitar / mandolin technique exercises

Fun making music with others with no commute

This New Year – Improve your skills and play more Old-Time music! Videos of all classes will be recorded and archived so you can miss a class and watch later if you’d like to. Some people in far-flung time zones like to take the class entirely by video. Attend when you want or opt for the class video when you’re busy. Cost for entire 6-week class is $80-$125 (sliding scale: pay what you can). For those friends in other countries, we don’t mind you paying us $80-125 in your currency if this is to your advantage. For each tune we delve down the old-time music rabbit hole to learn from master traditional players. There is also a fun, community vibe in these group classes. That’s Carl and my favorite part! To register just tell us what class you’d like to join by emailing info@dittyville.com and make your payment via paypal, venmo, or check. paypal.me/dittyvillewww.venmo.com/dittyville If you have any questions feel free to drop us a line. 

Cheers, Erynn & Carl

4 Week Tune Blast: Our Zoom Music Classes Start Nov 18th

November 12, 2024

Would you enjoy a musical retreat to soothe the soul before the holidays make us all crazy? (ier?). Carl Jones and I are starting a 4 week mini-class in fab old-time fiddle-tunes (two levels)mandolin musing, and the art of back-up guitar starting Nov 18-20, 2024 and winding up by Dec 11th – a tune a week. All classes will be recorded. If you miss a class you can watch the video later. Details below:

Intermediate to Int+ Fiddle – (Erynn)
Tuesdays – 8 p.m. ET.
Nov 19 – Dec 10, 2024

Inv+ – Adv Fiddle – (Erynn)
Wednesdays – 7 p.m. ET
Nov 20 – Dec 11, 2024

Old Time Mandolin – (Carl)
Mondays – 7 p.m. ET
Nov 18 – Dec 12, 2024

Int. Guitar Back -Up (Carl)
Tuesdays – 6:30 p.m. ET
Nov 19 – Dec 10, 2024

Suggested donation for this 4 session mini-class is $40 – $60 (sliding scale. Pay what you can)
To participate:
1. Tell us what class you’d like to join by emailing us at
2. Make a donation (see above) to Paypal or Venmo (to my email or to search for Dittyville) Questions? Send us an email. Hope to see you there! Making music builds community and makes us feel good!

Fall Zoom Music Classes are back!

September 5, 2024

Carl and my fall zoom fiddle, guitar & mandolin classes start up mid-September! Even if you sign up late you can still join and catch up since videos are made of every class.

Erynn & Carl’s Fall Zoom Classes 2024

Mondays Sept 16 – Oct 21 Mando-mazing! (Carl) 7pm-8pm ET (Eastern Time Zone) Tuesdays Sept 17 – Oct 22 Creative Guitar Back-up for Tunes & Songs (Carl) 6:30pm-7:30pm ET Tuesdays Sept 17 – Oct 22 Intermediate to Int+ Old-Time Fiddle (Erynn) 8pm-9pm ET Wednesdays Sept 18 – Oct 30 Int+ to Adv Old-Time Fiddle (Erynn) 7pm-8pm ET (no class Oct 16th)

Carl and I teach our music classes online: 1hr a week for 6 weeks. The classes are fun and help you improve your playing of well-known jam tunes and expand your repertoire with some other tunes or songs we think are real gems. We’ll study skilled heritage players to learn what makes their playing extra special. You can ask questions in real time, enjoy class from the comfort of your own home (or from any remote location) and save gas. All classes are filmed so you can watch later and catch-up if you miss a class. Includes fiddle sheet music (with chords) or mandolin/guitar Tab for all tunes taught. Only 75 to 125 suggested donation for the 6-week class (sliding scale – you choose the amount or ask to be sponsored). Our online classes are convenient and a way to stay motivated – especially if you’re busy. Save a little time for your own joyful music-making! You deserve it!Some people in far-flung time zones like to take the class entirely by video. Participants are given access to a class folder where all the sheet music/tab/videos are located. You can download all class videos /sheet music /tab onto your own computer for ongoing review. To participate: 1. Tell us what class you’d like to join by emailing us at info@dittyville .com and 2. Make a donation ($75-$125 suggested donation) to paypal or venmo (search for dittyville or use this PayPal link: paypal.me/dittyville). If you have any questions feel free to drop us a line at info@dittyville.com Cheers, Carl and Erynn

Our Spring Zoom Classes start this week – last class til fall

March 10, 2024

Hey everyone!

Carl and I are offering one more Zoom music class this spring before we take a break for the warmer months. If you want to get ready for porch pickin’ and festivals this summer or just learn a few new tunes at your own pace, come join us! These online classes are convenient, help everyone build their musical skills and they’re fun. This time we’re doing an 8 week class. We’ll do four classes, have a week off in the fiddle and then do four more classes.

8-week Zoom Music Classes – Spring Session

Int+ Mandolin (Carl Jones) Mondays: 7pm-8pm ET Mar 11 – May 6, 2024. (no class Apr 8th) Int+ Guitar Back-Up (Carl Jones) Tuesdays: 6:30pm – 7:30pm ET Mar 12 -May 7, 2024. (no class Apr 9)Int+Adv OT Fiddle (Erynn) Tuesdays 8pm -9pm ET Mar 12 -May 7, 2024. (no class Apr 9)Intermediate+ Old-Time Fiddle (Erynn) Wednesdays 7pm – 8pm Mar 13 -May 8, 2024. (no class Apr 17)

Each group class meets online for an hour a week. Some people in far-flung time zones like to take the class entirely by video. Participants are given access to a class folder where all the music/tab/video links are located. You can download all class videos /music /tab onto your own computer for ongoing review. Cost per 8 week class is $100-$160 (sliding scale: you choose what you can afford). To register just tell us what class you’d like to join by emailing info@dittyville.com and make your payment via paypal, venmo, or check. paypal.me/dittyvillewww.venmo.com/dittyville

If you have any questions feel free to drop us a line at info@dittyville.com We especially enjoy the community vibe in our group music classes and hope you will enjoy that too! We always have new folks who join in each season (with a range of experience) and there are many returning musicians who we look forward to seeing again soon. Lets play some tunes and songs and inspire each other!

cheers, Erynn and Carl

January Music Classes (zoom) start soon

January 8, 2024

Fiddle, Guitar & Mandolin zoom classes start Jan 13/14

Would you like to learn some new tunes and improve your technique in a low pressure way from the comfort of your own home in an online music class that meets for one hour a week for six weeks? Carl and my group music classes are super affordable, fun and there is no winter commute! More info below:

Intermediate+ Old-Time Fiddle (Erynn) Saturdays 11:30am – 12:30pm Jan 13 to Feb 17 Int+Adv OT Fiddle (Erynn) Sundays 2pm -3pm ET Jan 14 – Feb 18, 2024 Int+ Mandolin (Carl Jones) Saturdays: 2pm – 3pm ET Jan 13 – Feb 17, 2024 Int+ Guitar Back-Up (Carl Jones) Sundays: 11:30am – 12:30am ET Jan 14 – Feb 18, 2024

Each group class meets online for an hour a week for 6 weeks on Zoom. Videos of all classes will be recorded and archived so you can miss a class and watch later if you’d like to. Some people in far-flung time zones like to take the class entirely by video. Attend when you want or opt for the class video when you’re busy. Pdfs of fiddle sheet music & mandolin/guitar chord charts/music/tab will be provided. Participants are given access to a class folder where all the music/tab/video links are located. You can download all class videos /music /tab onto your own computer for ongoing review. Cost for this 6-week session class is $75-$125 (sliding scale: pay what you can). For those friends in other countries, we don’t mind you paying us $75-125 in your currency if this is to your advantage. Our classes will once again cover technique pro-tips, old-time style, bowing, picking prowess, great tunes or songs and some interesting background on some of our favorite, traditional players! For each tune we delve down the old-time music rabbit hole to learn from master traditional players. There is also a fun, community vibe in these group classes. That’s Carl and my favorite part!
To register just tell us what class you’d like to join by emailing info@dittyville.com and make your payment via paypal, venmo, or check. paypal.me/dittyville www.venmo.com/dittyville We also provide gift certificates for any amount towards these classes, private lessons or our recordings. If you have any questions feel free to drop us a line at info@dittyville.com

4-week Zoom music classes starting Nov 25, 2023

November 9, 2023

Carl and I are having a great tour in Australia! When we get back we are doing a 4-week round of zoom classes. If you want to learn 4 great jam tunes and have some music fun before the “holidaze” the info is below:

Erynn & Carl’s Zoom Classes – Late Fall
Intermediate+ Old-Time Fiddle (Erynn) Saturdays 11:30am – 12:30pm ET Nov 25 – Dec 16
Int+/Adv OT Fiddle (Erynn) Sundays 2pm-3pm ET Nov 26– Dec 17, 2023
Int + Mandolin (Carl) Saturdays: 2pm-3pm ET Nov 25 – Dec 16, 2023
Int+ Guitar Back-Up (Carl) Sundays: 11:30a-12:30pm ET Nov 26 – Dec 17
Each group class meets online for an hour a week for 4 weeks on Zoom this time (we’re doing a shorter class so we wind up before the holiday season). Videos of all classes will be recorded and archived so you can miss a class and watch later if you’d like to. Some people in far-flung time zones like to take the class entirely by video. Attend when you want or opt for the class video when you’re busy. Pdfs of fiddle sheet music & mandolin/guitar chord charts/music/tab will be provided. Participants are given access to a class folder where all the music/tab/video links are located. You can download all class videos /music /tab onto your own computer for ongoing review. Cost for this 4 session class is $50-$80 (sliding scale: pay what you can). For those friends in other countries we don’t mind you paying us $50-80 in your currency if this is to your advantage. We cover technique pro-tips, old-time style, bowing, picking prowess, great tunes and some interesting background on some of our favorite, traditional players! For each tune we delve down the old-time music rabbit hole to learn from master traditional players. There is also a fun, community vibe in these group classes.
To register just tell us what class you’d like to join by emailing info@dittyville.com and make your payment via paypal, venmo, or check. paypal.me/dittyvillewww.venmo.com/dittyville If you have any questions feel free to drop us a line at info@dittyville.com Cheers, Erynn and Carl www.Dittyville.com You are welcome to share this info with friends who love Old-Time Music (then you’ll have more music pals who can play the same tunes!) We www.Dittyville.comtralia so we might be a little slower at correspondence but we will be in touch soon. Hope you can join us! cheers, Erynn and Carl

Fall zoom music classes starting up!

September 8, 2023

Hello music friends! 

We’re just back from the Nimble Fingers Campout at the Agassiz speedway in BC and ready to start our fall zoom classes in fiddle, guitar, mandolin and banjo! Here’s the info:

Fall Online Music Classes are coming back!

Intermediate + / Adv Mandomazing! Mandolin (Carl)

Mondays: 6:30pm-7:30pm ET

Sept 11th – Oct 16th 2023

Int+Adv Old-Time Fiddle The Drone Zone: Alternate Fiddle Tunings (Erynn)

Mondays: 8pm-9pm ET

Sept 11th – Oct 16th 2023

Int + / Adv Guitar – The Art of Back-Up Guitar (Carl)

Tuesdays 7:30pm-8:30pm ET

Sept 12th – Oct 17th 2023

Intermediate+ Old-Time Fiddle “Improve Classic Tunes & Learn More Jam Favorites” (Erynn)

Wednesdays: 7:30pm-8:30pm ET

Sept 13th – Oct 18th 2023

Come join the fun! Each group class meets online for an hour a week for 6 weeks on Zoom. Videos of all classes will be recorded and archived so you can miss a class and watch later if you’d like to. Some people in far-flung time zones like to take the class entirely by video. Pdfs of Fiddle music & Mandolin/Guitar music / tab will be provided. Participants are given access to a class folder of all the music/tab/video links. You can download all class videos/music/tab onto your own computer for review. Cost per 6 session class is $75-$125 (sliding scale: pay what you can). Canadian’s or participants from other countries can pay $75-$125 in your own currency or USD (whatever is best for you) We’ll learn good technique, Old-Time style, great tunes and some interesting background on many of the great, traditional players! We’ll also strive to have fun and create a sense of community in these group classes. We’re so looking forward to seeing all you friends again in these classes again and welcoming new folks in too. 

To register just tell us what class you’d like to join by emailing info@dittyville.com and make your payment via paypal, venmo or check. It’s extra nice if you list us as friends on your paypal payment so we don’t have to pay as many fees. Thank you

paypal.me/dittyville (or send paypal funds to erynnmarshall@gmail.com)


Please share the class news with music friends (then you’ll have more tunes in common!) 

If you have any questions feel free to drop us a line at info@dittyville.com 

Hope you can join us for some more, great, Old-Time Music!

Carl Jones & Erynn Marshall

Our Feb-Mar Zoom Music Classes start soon! (fiddle, guitar, mandolin, songwriting)

February 11, 2023

Our next batch of zoom music classes start up in just over a week….a great Valentine’s gift to yourself and/or your sweetheart! Give yourself a music getaway from the stress of the day-to-day. Carl and I are teaching one more round of our online fiddle, guitar, mandolin and songwriting classes, (1hr a week for 6 weeks), before we break for touring this spring/summer. The classes are a great deal and will get you primed for festival season. Plus they are fun! Hope you can join us 🙂

These 6-week classes (1hr class per week), help you get motivated, learn new tunes, improve your playing and have fun!. As the fiddlers delve into techniques/bowing learned from master traditional players and some history the guitar and mandos will learn some classics as well and work on concepts that add versatility to your playing. You can ask questions in real time, enjoy class from the comfort of your own home and you don’t have to drive in snow! All classes are filmed so you can watch later and catch-up at your convenience if you have to miss a class. Includes sheet fiddle sheet music tab, mandolin/guitar tab of all tunes taught! Here’s the info: 

Saturdays Feb 25 – Apr 8, Int OT Fiddle (Erynn) 1pm-2pm ET (no class Mar 25th)
Sundays Feb 19 – Apr 2, Songwriting (Carl) 2pm-3pm ET 
(no class Mar 26th)
Mondays Feb 27 – Apr 3, the Art of Guitar Back-up (Carl) 7:30pm-8:30pm ET
Tuesdays Feb 28 – Apr 4, Mando-mazing! (Carl) 7:30pm-8:30pm ET
Wednesdays Mar 1 – Apr 5, Adv OT Fiddle (Erynn) 7:30-8:30pm ET

Each group class meets online for an hour a week for 6 weeks on Zoom. Some people in far-flung time zones like to take the class entirely by video. Participants are given access to a class folder where all the music/tab/video links are located. You can download all class videos /music /tab onto your own computer for ongoing review. Cost per 6 session class is $75-$125 (sliding scale: you choose what you can afford). There is also a fun, community vibe in these group classes that we enjoy too! 
To register just tell us what class you’d like to join by emailing info@dittyville.comand make your payment via paypal, venmo, or check. paypal.me/dittyvillewww.venmo.com/dittyville (276-237-6866). If you have any questions feel free to drop us a line at info@dittyville.com Cheers, Carl and Erynn.

Erynn Marshall ​& Carl Jones

January Music Classes (zoom) & Holiday Sale!

December 23, 2022

Wow – it’s crazy that the New Year is almost here! So it is time to announce Carl Jones and I are starting up our Online music classes starting January 2. This round will include: Fiddle, Guitar & Mandolin zoom classes. We hope you can join us!These 6-week classes (1hr class per week), help you get motivated, learn new tunes, improve your playing and have fun!. Each tune we delve into we’ll learn techniques/bowing learned from master traditional players and some history. You can ask questions in real time, enjoy class from the comfort of your own home and you don’t have to drive in snow! All classes are filmed so you can watch later and catch-up at your convenience if you have to miss a class. Includes sheet fiddle sheet music tab, mandolin/guitar tab of all tunes taught! Here’s the info:

Mondays Jan 2 – Feb 6, the Art of Guitar Back-up (Carl) 7:30pm-8:30pm ET

Tuesdays Jan 3-Feb 7, Mando-mazing! (Carl) 7:30pm-8:30pm ET

Wednesdays Jan 4 – Feb 8 Int+/Adv OT Fiddle (Erynn) 7:30-8:30pm ET

Saturdays Jan 7 – Feb 19, Int OT Fiddle (Erynn) 1pm-2pm ET (no class Feb 4)

Each group class meets online for an hour a week for 6 weeks on Zoom. Some people in far-flung time zones like to take the class entirely by video. Participants are given access to a class folder where all the music/tab/video links are located. You can download all class videos /music /tab onto your own computer for ongoing review. Cost per 6 session class is $75-$125 (sliding scale: you choose what you can afford). There is also a fun, community vibe in these group classes that we enjoy too! To register just tell us what class you’d like to join by emailing info@dittyville.com and make your payment via paypal, venmo, or check. paypal.me/dittyvillewww.venmo.com/dittyville (276-237-6866). If you have any questions feel free to drop us a line at info@dittyville.com

Cheers, Erynn and Carl.

If your friends/family don;t know what to get you for Christmas you can send them to our website to get a gift certificate towards your upcoming class. Also – it’s our biggest sale ever at Dittyville: CDs are only $10 ($5 off!) and instructional DVDs are 50% off only $12.50 (while supplies last) now through Jan 1, 2023. www.Dittyville.com Happy Holidays!

Thanks to Rochelle Moser & Kenny Jackson for this photo.