Our next batch of zoom music classes start up in just over a week….a great Valentine’s gift to yourself and/or your sweetheart! Give yourself a music getaway from the stress of the day-to-day. Carl and I are teaching one more round of our online fiddle, guitar, mandolin and songwriting classes, (1hr a week for 6 weeks), before we break for touring this spring/summer. The classes are a great deal and will get you primed for festival season. Plus they are fun! Hope you can join us 🙂
These 6-week classes (1hr class per week), help you get motivated, learn new tunes, improve your playing and have fun!. As the fiddlers delve into techniques/bowing learned from master traditional players and some history the guitar and mandos will learn some classics as well and work on concepts that add versatility to your playing. You can ask questions in real time, enjoy class from the comfort of your own home and you don’t have to drive in snow! All classes are filmed so you can watch later and catch-up at your convenience if you have to miss a class. Includes sheet fiddle sheet music tab, mandolin/guitar tab of all tunes taught! Here’s the info:
Saturdays Feb 25 – Apr 8, Int OT Fiddle (Erynn) 1pm-2pm ET (no class Mar 25th)
Sundays Feb 19 – Apr 2, Songwriting (Carl) 2pm-3pm ET
(no class Mar 26th)
Mondays Feb 27 – Apr 3, the Art of Guitar Back-up (Carl) 7:30pm-8:30pm ET
Tuesdays Feb 28 – Apr 4, Mando-mazing! (Carl) 7:30pm-8:30pm ET
Wednesdays Mar 1 – Apr 5, Adv OT Fiddle (Erynn) 7:30-8:30pm ET

Each group class meets online for an hour a week for 6 weeks on Zoom. Some people in far-flung time zones like to take the class entirely by video. Participants are given access to a class folder where all the music/tab/video links are located. You can download all class videos /music /tab onto your own computer for ongoing review. Cost per 6 session class is $75-$125 (sliding scale: you choose what you can afford). There is also a fun, community vibe in these group classes that we enjoy too!
To register just tell us what class you’d like to join by emailing info@dittyville.comand make your payment via paypal, venmo, or check. paypal.me/dittyvillewww.venmo.com/dittyville (276-237-6866). If you have any questions feel free to drop us a line at info@dittyville.com Cheers, Carl and Erynn.

Erynn Marshall ​& Carl Jones